Weber 7429 Rapid Fire Chimney Starter

Get your charcoal glowing and ready to go in just minutes with the Weber Rapid fire Chimney Charcoal Starter. Tackle high-volume cooking with the extra-large capacity bin. It’s made from aluminized steel.

Product Features

  • Designed to quickly produce hot coals for cooking
  • 7.5 in. in diameter, 12 in. high
  • Specialized cone-shaped grate
  • Durable construction for longevity
  • Ergonomic handle for comfortable use

3 thoughts on “Weber 7429 Rapid Fire Chimney Starter”

  1. Weber is known to be the best mainstream brand there is to bbqing Old me:Tell me if this sounds familiar, I stack a mountain of charcoal over a napkin in a shape of a pyramid. I then douse lighter fluid from the top. I let it rest for a few minutes and then light the napkin. After the initial smoke is gone, I get a large piece of cardboard to fan the pyramid until the top briquette catches fire. Process takes 20 minutes. When I flatten out the briquettes so I can put my grate on, not all the briquettes are burned uniformly so I wait another few minutes…

  2. Come on baby, light my fire This is my second large Weber starter. It works as it should. My first one lasted 10 years. I particularly like the extra handle that allows two-handed pouring. I have looked at many other chimney starters and this is the best value IMHO. Tips:Use kraft paper like grocery bag pieces or parts of your charcoal bag and a starter cubes like Katon Cubes and you will have a quick fire.Pay attention when you empty hot coals to get all of them out of the chimney!!!! This goes for any…

  3. Must-Have for Charcoal Grilling I’m ashamed of myself for using lighter fluid after having bought this. I’ve been grilling for years and never knew about this simple invention and I regret not having found it sooner.It’s so simple to use! Insert charcoal in cylinder, stuff some newspaper in the bottom from underneath, light newspaper and wait 10 minutes or so then dump it into your grill. I light mine inside my grill on top of the charcoal grate so as not to damage my concrete driveway, then dump it right into the…

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