2 thoughts on “Smoke And Ribbons: A DocQmentary”

  1. The best name for a bbq crew goes to “Grills Gone Wild”I was rooting for “Burnt Finger BBQ” they have serious heart and I respect their dedication, but I want to party with the “Social Smokers” those dudes are Rad.Go get some bbq before you start this documentary. It will be a huge disappointment after the culinary perfection that is displayed in this film, but at least you will be able to scratch that itch. You’re going to be jonesing for some barbecue after…

  2. It was a fun and informational film. I never realized how much work and planning went into a competition like this – but also the fun and camaraderie! The contestants were totally dedicated to their craft, always wanting to improve. This film is a great promotion for Kansas City. After watching we plan to visit there, and of course, we will check out the Barbecue! The film was beautifully done. Loved the overhead shots. It also made me want to improve my own barbecue skills! Warning: don’t…

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