Men’s Journal

Men’s Journal is a highly entertaining reads that delivers editorial that excites and inspires its readers to participate in an adventurous lifestyle.

Each issue will keep you fully informed across a full range of subjects including travel, health and fitness, style, sports, hi-tech gadgets, music and more.The Kindle Edition of this magazine includes Page View. In Page View, your magazines look just like the printed edition with all the photos and formatting.

2 thoughts on “Men’s Journal”

  1. This magazine is aimed at millionaires at this point, … This magazine is aimed at millionaires at this point, all the products they review are in the thousands of dollars; I’m just a regular guy with a family not able to afford such things. The second reason why I cancelled my subscription was that every other month there was either a climb Mount Everest and the people that died doing so, or an article about the war in ____________(insert name here: Iraq, Afghanistan…) I’m a family man not likely to do either of those things. Whatever happened to…

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