Green Mountain Grills Premium Gold Blend Grilling Pellets (4 Pack)

Fire up your grill and the smoker, because with 28 pounds of Green Mountain Grills Premium Gold Blend Grilling Pellets, you’ll have plenty of fuel to cook up a storm on the patio or deck. These premium pellets are for premium cooking. They are made out of solid premium hardwood with a blend of red oak, hickory, and maple flavors. They also have lower moisture for better performance, as well as a more efficient burn so you deal with less ash. Perfect for cooking up beef, chicken, pork, fish, or vegetables, turn to Green Mountain Grills Premium Gold Blend Grilling Pellets for that natural, delicious flavor you’re after.

Product Features

  • 28-pound bag
  • Mellow blend of red oak, hickory, and maple subtly flavors your food without overpowering it
  • Perfect for grilling and outdoor cooking
  • Produce a long burn with modest smoke
  • Oak based and a larger diameter pellet that allows them to last longer than standard size pellets